Microsoft 365 Application Architecture Patterns

Why to use this application pattern?

-Low / No Code solutions.

-Go to market quicky.

-Value realization of Microsoft 365 (for what you are already paying).

-You don’t want pay and maintain infrastructure.

When to avoid it?

-Geo Redundancy.

-Big volume of transactions or data.

-Relational relationships needed between the entities.

-You need a backend compute for security or data processing reasons.

Why to use this application pattern?

-Low / No Code solutions.

-Go to market quicky.

-Great utilization of Microsoft 365 (for what you are already paying).

You need a backend compute for security or data processing reasons.

When to avoid it?

-Geo Redundancy.

-Big volume of transactions or data.

-Relational relationships needed between the entities.

Why to use Microsoft 365 and Power Platform app patterns?

-Low / No Code solutions. Custom Business Flows.

-Go to market quicky.

-Great integration with Power Platform, Dynamics 365, Microsoft 365.

-You don’t want to care for infrastructure maintenance and support.

When to avoid it?

-Geo Redundancy.

Why to use Teams App pattern?

-Geo Redundancy.

-Big volume of transactions (where fine tuning of indexes, replication, shading is required).

-You already have the infra deployed and you have spare capacity. You also have skilled technical resources to support it.

Why to avoid it?

-Technical Depth

-Slow go to market

-Slow ROI

A solution could be a mix of all the above application patterns

The below demonstration shows three different application patterns in blue, red, and green that could represent a solution of a specific feature.

I attached the diagrams for my own reference. Feel free to use them too.